6 Reasons To Encourage Your Child To Go On Summer Trekking

Children Trekking Offroad Camps Kasmoli Rishikesh

Children Trekking 

Saurabh had always been a quiet child. For as long as his mother could remember, he preferred indoors – reading books, playing on smartphone, watching TV and sleeping on holidays defined his style. He did like to step outside once a while and went for occasional rounds on cycle with friends – and that’s it – that was how his life was defined during holidays. When his mother called us with the request to expose her child to the world of trekking and take him to the mountains see life there, we just knew what it would take for him to come out of his shell and explore nature. So two trekking trips and lots of camping later, Saurabh became a different person altogether. His curiosity to know about things grew, and he started taking interest in sports and other recreational activities. So what is it that makes a child undergo a huge change in their outlook when the trek? We give you 10 reasons that we could think of. Feel free to add your own:

  1. Trekking is not just walking; it’s an experience of being close to nature. It is a treat to your senses.
  2. Trekking allows your child to develop his or her sense of inquisitiveness and explore what they have only read in books. Imagine being standing on a mountain of Himalayan range dentist read about it in your book or look at the photograph somewhere. Or imagine discovering migratory birds right at the place where they make their nests and give birth to their offspring.
  3. Trekking is not just an activity; it’s a full body workout. Your child gets to feel the strength of his or her own body and become responsible for own wellbeing.
  4. Sleeping in a tent or walking along new faces, your child gets time to bond and learn the art of communication. Without the interruptions of phone, television; it is sometimes a very dear chance to tell and hear more from each other.
  5. On trekking, children get to know more about not just their surroundings, but also about building fire, meal preparation, cooking, and most importantly learn how to get by without screens.
  6. Fresh air and open sky give time to the children be amazed with stars above and the tranquility of serene atmosphere and clean air around them.
Pine Forest Offroad Camps Kasmoli Rishikesh Summer Camp

Summer Camp

Offroad Camps (10)

Read this post to know Top 10 Camping Activities for Kids, with real life examples. Here is another post on Trekking in Rishikesh about how you can plan a day out to let your children enjoy from trekking.

2 replies
  1. Suman Bhambhra
    Suman Bhambhra says:

    Dear Nitima,
    We completely agree to your view that children need to be exposed to outdoors to develop better habits and healthy lifestyle. We therefore do make it a point to take children of our institute to offbeat locations, especially mountains, for them to feel the nature up close & personal. I’ve heard about your camp, and will connect with you soon to find out what kind of excursions we can organize there that can benefit the young minds. Thank you.
    Suman Bhambhra


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